We accelerate Ports transitioning to Maritime 4.0

Maritime 4.0 is all about opportunities in digitalization, Cybernetics, Internet of Things (IoT) and Realtime Analytics bringing digital innovation. PortsServe offer Consultancy, Platforms and access to dedicated eMarketplace for Procurement and Maintenance.

Innovating Technology Solutions by PortsServe for Maritime 4.0

Start a successful port modernization by partnering with PortsServe

Our specialised inhouse ports expert team works for enabling Maritime 4.0 by consulting, execution and deployment. PortsServe help clients responding to emerging opportunities. We at PortsServe also facilitate clients with access to eMarketplace for streamling Ports Procurements.

Make Ports Efficient

Seaport’s performance measurement and benchmarking are dynamic and critical for sustainability. PortsServe helps in improving productivity.

Evaluation and Performance Measurement of operational efficiency is of paramount importance for Smart Ports. For making ports globally competitive, we at PortsServe benchmark by exploring measurement gaps across key result indicators.

Ensure a Sustainable Productivity

Unlocking port capacity and bringing business transformation by integrating innovation, ingenuity and technology.

Improving productivity needs a well-articulated balance between technological drivers and sustainability drivers. PortsServe provides assessment of Strategic infrastructure investments for Port modernization with a balanced approach. In the modernization process, our experts create a roadmap with distinguishing strategy and focus on sustainability.

Synergize for Assured Transition

Port modernization is evolving fast and getting more collaborative. There is an urgency for ports transformation.

PortsServe as a strategic partner offer managed transformation services. We create centralized framework consisting of Consultation, Assets and Artefacts with Solutions and eMarketplace for coordinating all procurements and maintenance needs. Our unique framework integrates specific organizational functions with strategic experts.

Incubate your Port Transformation with PortsServe



Our experts as strategic partner bring regional experience with a global knowhow. PortsServe are the first people you should count on.



We leverage new age processes that are customized for modernization. PortsServe map cost centres as an essential ingredient of Maritime 4.0



Helping Ports re-imagine its future-state Marinetech is our core strength. PortsServe enables technology-led transformation to unlock cost savings.

Springboard for Smart Ports

Enablers of your Smart Port Vision

Operational Innovation

Value Creation

  • Platform Solutions
  • Systems Robotization
  • Process Outsourcing
  • Collaboration Tools

Integrating enablers for growth-centric digital transformation

Analytical Deployment

Data Edge

  • Predictive Maintenance
  • Procurement Optimization
  • Smart Appointment System
  • Big Data from IoT & RFID

Accelerating the pace of adopting AI and intelligent automation

Consulting & Solutions

Strategic Move

  • Approach Services
  • Unloading & Loading
  • Storage & Processing
  • Intermodal Transport

Driving improved transformation outcomes by change management

Stay connected with emerging technology trends on your Smart Port transition


We Discover & Improvise Every Engagement