Predictive Procurement

Spend Intel


Smart Spend Intel for Savings with Ship σ

Explore budget-saving opportunities from your day-to-day Ship Procurement that spans across Provisions, Bonded Stores, Spares, Repairs and Surveys.

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Ship σ explores spend pattern across user defined ship procurement categories. This ready to deploy analytical platform is built to address the unique needs of Shipping enterprises. With Ship σ, the user can harness their saving potentials and harmonize vendors across the globe to optimize spending that improves the bottom line.

  • Get 360 degree spend visibility
  • Decrease Procurement Cost by Vendor Harmonization
  • Save on Cost Avoidance by Improved Savings
  • Better Visibility on Tail Spend and Maverick Spend
  • Empower your procurement with Foresight

Spend Analytics with Ship σ helps to engage the most competitive vendor for Ship procurement by Categories and by Geos. By leverage Artificial Intelligence, Shipping companies can identify their Optimal category Benchmarking. The users of Ship σ can assess price variation and engage cost effective vendors.

Unlocking the hidden values of procurement trend for potential SAVINGS opportunities

Foresee budget spikes , improve reliability on predicting peak spends with AI & ML support
Benefits of Ship σ

Interactive and intuitive platfrom for Marine Industry

Ship σ is a ready to deploy and plug & play analytical platform for Ports & Ship Management. The scalable platform is a cloud based SaaS model. Besides platform, our team also engages in custom built predictive models as per business needs.

Our analytical engagement outcomes are measurable. We handhold ports and ships management in deploying analytics as well as track for continuous improvement. Start your engagement NOW.

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